Jennifer TrimbleELA Teacher
My educational background:

I have a BSW (Bachelors in Social Work). This will be my 16th year working in special education.

My favorite teacher from my past:

Mr. Faulkner, my 8th grade history teacher.

What do I love about Epiphany?

I love that students feel physically and emotionally safe at Epiphany. They see the school as a place where they can safely express themselves.

How does teaching and working with children inspire me?

I try to inspire and motivate my students by teaching with enthusiasm. If I’m excited, they’re excited!

My spirit animal:

My spirit animal is probably an owl. I’m a pretty intuitive person.

My favorite movie:

My favorite movie is “Good Will Hunting” starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.

My favorite board game:

My favorite board game is Connect 4.

My favorite book:

One of my favorite books is “The Girl on the Train,” by Paula Hawkins

My favorite character, cartoon, or superhero:

My favorite superhero is Spiderman.

My Interests and hobbies:

I enjoy spending time swimming.

My origins, travels and/or adventures:

I enjoy vacationing at the beach.

My favorite thing to do, place to go, or eatery in Charlotte:

I enjoy going to amusement parks, festivals with live music and walking around and eating in uptown Charlotte.

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Samantha Carabell Epiphany School of CharlotteMike Raible Epiphany School of Charlotte Board of Directors