Mike RaibleThe School Solutions Group

    “Education should be about improving student’s lives. I know that is what we do at Epiphany. The parents, students, staff, administration, and board are all focused on that one important thing. It is truly fulfilling to be associated with an organization that is clearly of one mind. And it’s not just the academic prowess our students achieve, but also the confidence and the tools they are taught to use that allows them to make the most of the gifts they have been given. I am confident that when our students leave our program they are well equipped to be successful.”

    Mike’s career began in architecture. He has worked in Cincinnati, Gatlinburg, Chattanooga, Annapolis, and Charlotte. For over 30 years his work has been in education: first as a designer of educational facilities, then as an interpreter of educator’s needs, and finally as a strategic planner and author. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor of Architecture. He has taken courses on innovation from the Stanford University D School and the University of Virginia. He is a certified TregoEd decision-making trainer and also holds a certificate in visual facilitation from Grove Consultants International. He and his wife, an abstract artist, have three grown children and five grandsons.

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    Jennifer Trimble Epiphany School of CharlotteLisa White Board Member Epiphany School of Charlotte