“I joined the Board of Epiphany because Charlotte must have a school like Epiphany. Children with ASD-1 (formerly known as Asperger’s) and similar challenges, particularly in the school environment, are often denied the opportunity to fully explore who they are and who they can be. Epiphany is a haven for these children to reach their full potential. As a parent of a son with ASD-1 and the husband of a woman who has made it her mission to make Charlotte a model community for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, serving on the Board of this amazing school is my chance to work with incredibly passionate and talented people who share my family’s values and mission. It is a privilege to be connected to Epiphany, and it is my hope and challenge to raise awareness of Epiphany to strengthen its connection to our community.”
Mark grew up in western North Carolina, graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill with a B.S. in Economics in 1991. He received his law degree from Temple University, and has practiced as a commercial litigator with Moore & Van Allen PLLC in Charlotte for his entire career. Mark was raised in a family dedicated to social work, and he was fortunate to find a like-minded partner for the next step in life’s journey. His wife Michelle, who obtained her Ph.D. in School Psychology from Lehigh University, is a board member for Autism Charlotte, and her dedication to serving others runs to her core. Mark and Michelle are blessed with two inspiring children, Drew and Ginna. Their love for each other and inherent drive to “do the right thing” amazes their parents every day.