Impact Stories

Aida’s Advice on Celebrating Neurodiversity in Ourselves & Others

Aida offers advice on celebrating neurodiversity in ourselves and others as the Alumni Keynote Speaker at the 2024 Home Run Event

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Nurturing Unique Journeys: Meet Camden

At the Epiphany School of Charlotte, every child has a unique story filled with moments worth celebrating and supporting.  One such inspiring story is that of Camden, a vibrant and imaginative fifth-grader who has found his place in the nurturing environment of Epiphany.  Camden’s world is full of creativity, where he explores his love for […]

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Unleashing And Empowering The Runner Inside: Marshall’s Story

Meet Marshall, a shining testament to the incredible difference The Epiphany School of Charlotte makes in the lives of its students.  Diagnosed with autism at the age of 2, Marshall faced numerous communication and adaptability challenges in his early years.  However, his journey at Epihpany has been transformative, propelling him toward achievements his parents once […]

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Teaching Children to Not Sacrifice Who They Are

“Henry can finally be himself, instead of spending all his energy conforming, and that has truly allowed him to blossom.” — Stephen, parent of a student at The Epiphany School of Charlotte My son is an aspiring herpetologist with a quirky sense of humor. He is a bit of an eccentric soul. There was simply […]

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The Epiphany School Saved All of Us

“Joshua’s time at Epiphany was a special pitstop that provided him, and our whole family, exactly what we needed.” — Beth Ann, parent of a former student at The Epiphany School of Charlotte Today, looking at him as we sit together in a coffee shop, you’d think he’s an average teenage boy. His phone in […]

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How a Wallflower Blossomed Into a Part-Time Drummer & Full-Time Leader

Drew Nebrig is an unassuming rockstar. Contemplative and well-spoken, the 17-year-old honors student at Queens Grant High School doesn’t seem like someone who could smash a drum solo. But when he’s not doing homework, Drew is jamming out at Charlotte’s School of Rock.

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