Impact Story

Unleashing And Empowering The Runner Inside: Marshall’s Story

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Meet Marshall, a shining testament to the incredible difference The Epiphany School of Charlotte makes in the lives of its students.  Diagnosed with autism at the age of 2, Marshall faced numerous communication and adaptability challenges in his early years.  However, his journey at Epihpany has been transformative, propelling him toward achievements his parents once thought were beyond reach.  Today, at 19, Marshall is thriving in college and has become an inspirational figure in the running community.

Marshall’s Early Challenges and Diagnosis

Marshall was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2, presenting a set of communication and adaptability challenges.  The primary concerns were a lack of communication skills and difficulty tolerating deviations from expected routines.

Transitioning to Epiphany From a Traditional School

Before joining The Epiphany School of Charlotte, Marshall attended a traditional private school.  While he progressed well at the school, the school’s abrupt closure left Marshall and his family seeking a new educational environment.  Epiphany stepped in and provided the much-needed support and guidance for Marshall’s transition and journey.

“While we were happy with his prior school, we didn’t realize that there were other areas that we could be working on. Ephiphany focused on things that really helped the students be themselves and at the same time navigate the world around them. The biggest improvement/change that we saw in Marshall was how well he learned to “analyze” himself. He learned these skills in the “Friends and Feelings” class. To this day (at age 19) Marshall can analyze how he is feeling, and communicate it. I often say that Marshall can analyze himself better than most of the typically developing public.”

The shift to Epiphany brought about significant changes in Marshall’s life.  The specialized “Friends and Feelings” class at Epihphany played a pivotal role in Marshall’s development, teaching him crucial skills to analyze and communicate his emotions effectively.  Even at the age of 19, Marshall possesses an exceptional ability to self-analyze and communicate his emotions.  

Marshall’s Favorite Epiphany Memories

One of Marshall’s favorite aspects of his time at Epiphany was the multitude of field trips.  Regardless of the adventure’s scale, he cherished these experiences, especially trips to places like Art’s Deli.  These outings fostered a sense of camaraderie and enriched his overall educational experience.

Marshall’s Unique Strengths and Passion

Marshall’s love for running, nurtured at Epihpany, has blossomed into a remarkable passion.  He has completed an astonishing 250 races, demonstrating an unwavering determination channeled uniquely through autism.  The Epiphany teachers encouraged his participation in activities like the running team, empowering Marshall to become a fierce competitor in the local and regional running scene.  Marshall’s Dad says,

“If it hadn’t been for the Epiphany teachers pulling students into activities that seemed beyond their reach at the time… this might not have been.”

The Epiphany School of Charlotte is more than an educational institution; it’s a community that understands and embraces the unique challenges and opportunities that its students face.  The emphasis on self-awareness, communication, and adaptability equips students like Marshall with the skills they need to navigate the world confidently.

Marshall’s journey at The Epiphany School of Charlotte is just one among many, each equally inspiring and impactful.  These stories serve as a reminder of the immense potential that resides within every student, waiting to be unlocked and nurtured.  We’re proud of Marshall and all our students and we’re honored to be a part of their remarkable journeys.

“Epiphany is a place of collaboration and comradery. Everyone there knows the challenges and opportunities the students at Epiphany face…and everyone (staff and parents) do all they can to help them succeed.” -Hugh

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